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Evolvement of Indian Constitution

Evolvement of Indian Constitution - Historical Events

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Evolvement of Indian Constitution - Historical Events

Introduction :

↳ In 1934, the first time M. N Roy suggested forming a Constituent Assembly.

↳ B.C Rawat defined the evolution of the Indian Constitution into 6 stages.

THE COMPANY RULE (1773 - 1858) :

↳ The British came to India in 1600 as traders.

↳ Queen Elizabeth I granted the exclusive right to trade in India.

↳ The British Government appointed the General Burghic Committee to expose the corruption of the East India Company.

Regulating Act of 1773 :

↳ The Act was framed on the recommendation of the General Burghic Committee.

↳ The Act was introduced by Lord North (PM of Great Britain).

↳ The British Government took the first step to regulate the affairs of the East India Company (EIC) in India.

↳ It identifies the political and administrative functions of the company.

↳ It laid the foundations of central administration in India.

↳ It designated the Governor of Bengal as the "Governor-General of Bengal".

        • He is assisted by four members of the Executive Council.

        • The Governors of Bombay and Madras Presidencies were subordinate to him.

        • The first such Governor-General was Lord Warren Hastings.

↳ It established the Supreme Court in Calcutta in 1774.

↳ It prohibits private trade and accepting bribes.

Regulating Act of 1781 :

↳ It is known as the Act of Settlement.

↳ For the first time, the concept of "British Territories - British Dominion" was introduced.

Pitt's India Act of 1784 :

↳ It was introduced by William Pitt (Great Britain PM).

↳ It Established a double government.

↳ It separated the commercial and political functions of the company.

        • Court of Directors - Manages commercial affairs.

        • Board of Control - Manages political affairs - supervises civil and military operations & Revenues of British possessions.

↳ The Company's territories were known as "British Possessions in India".

↳ The British Government was given supreme control over the Company's affairs in India.

↳ First step towards non-parliamentary control.

Charter Act of 1833 :

↳ Steps towards centralization in British India.

↳ It designates the Governor General of Bengal as the "Governor General of India".

        • Lord William Bentick was the first Governor General of India.

↳ With this Act, the Governors of Bombay and Madras lost their legislative powers.

↳ The Act ended the activities of the EIC as a commercial body and converted it into a purely administrative body.

↳ It tried to introduce a system of open competition for the selection of civil servants.

↳ For the first time a Law Commission was appointed and the head of the Commission was "Lord Macaulay".

Charter Act of 1853 :

↳ The legislative and executive functions of the Governor-General's Council have been fractionated by this Act.

        • It Provided 6 legislative councilors to the council.

                • Local representation was introduced for the first time in the Indian (Central) Legislative Council.

                • For the first time, four members were appointed from the local (provincial) governments of Madras, Bombay, Bengal, and Agra.

↳ An Indian (Central) Legislative Council called Mini-Parliament was established.

↳ It Introduced an open competition for the selection and recruitment of civil servants.

        • The Macaulay Committee (1854) was appointed with regard to the Indian Civil Service.

THE CROWN RULE (1858–1947) :

↳ It is also known as British Raj's Direct Rule in India.

↳ The British Parliament ended the operations of the East India Company (EIC).

↳ The powers, territories, and revenues of the Government of India were transferred to the British Crown.

Government of India Act of 1858 :

↳ This act was enacted in the wake of the 1857 rebellion.

↳ Now onwards India is governed by the name of the British Queen.

↳ It is known as the Act for the Good Government of India.

↳ It designated the Governor-General of India as the "Viceroy of India".

        • The Viceroy is the direct representative of the British Crown.

        • Lord Canning was the first Viceroy of India.

↳ It Ended the system of double government.

↳ Created a new office called Secretary of State for India.

        • It contains a member of the British cabinet.

        • A 15-member Council of India was formed to assist him.

Indian Councils Act of 1861 :

↳ The Viceroy was to nominate some Indians as non-official members of his Council.

        • Lord Canning nominated 3 Indians to his legislative council.

                (1) Raja of Benaras - Dev Narayan Singh

                (2) Maharaja of Patiala - Maharaja Narinder Singh

                (3) Sir Dinkar Rao

↳ This act started the process of decentralization.

↳ Legislative powers were restored to the Bombay and Madras Presidencies.

↳ Created new Legislative Councils for Bengal, North-Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and Punjab.

↳ Lord Canning introduced the "portfolio (allocation of ministries)" system.

↳ In 1862, High Courts were established in Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta under the Indian High Courts Act, of 1861.

↳ In 1866 the High Court was established at Allahabad.

↳ It empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances in case of emergency, the lifespan of the such ordinance being 6 months.

↳ Based on the law commission's recommendations

        • Code of Civil Procedure, 1859 was enacted.

                • It was Amended in 1860, 1861, 1878, 1879, 1882, and 1908.

                • After independence, major amendments were made in 1976 and 2002.

        • In 1860, the Indian Penal Code came into force.

        • The Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) of 1861 came into force.

                • It was Amended in 1872, 1882, and 1898.

                • This continued until the present code came into force in 1973.

Indian Councils Act of 1892 :

↳ Increased the number of additional (non-official) members in the Central and provincial legislative councils.

        • Central Legislative Council - not less than 10 & not more than 16.

        • Provincial legislative council - not less than 8 & not more than 20.

↳ Increased the functions of legislative councils.

        • Power to discuss the budget.

        • Power to Legislative council to Address questions to the executive.

↳ Nomination of certain non-official members to the Central Legislative Council by the Viceroy.

        • On the recommendation of the Provincial Legislative Councils.

        • On the recommendation of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce.

↳ Nomination of certain non-official members to Provincial Legislative Councils by the Governor.

        • On the recommendation of the mentioned below

                • District Boards.

                • Municipalities.

                • Universities

                • Trade associations.

                • Zamindars and Chambers.

↳ The Viceroy nominated 6 Indians to the Governor's Council.

        Dadabhai Naoroji (First Elected - British Indian MP)

        Surendranath Banerjee

        Pherozeshah Mehta

        Gopal Krishna Gokhale


        Rash Behari Ghosh

↳ The Act contains an indirect provision to use elections to fill certain non-official positions.

Indian Councils Act of 1909 :

↳ This act is known as Morley-Minto Reforms.

        • Lord Morley - Secretary of State for India.

        • Lord Minto - Viceroy of India.

↳ The Central Legislative Council was raised from 16 to 60.

↳ The number of members of the Provincial Legislative Councils of Madras, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, and the United Provinces increased to 50.

↳ The number of members of the Provincial Legislative Council of Punjab, Assam and Burma increased to 30.

↳ 4 types of members of the Governor General Legislative Council.

        • Nominated Executive Members

        • Nominated Non-Executive Members

        • Members by Rank

        • Elected Members

↳ It enhanced some other functions of the Legislative Council.

        • Members are allowed to ask supplementary questions.

        • Power to move a resolution on the budget.

↳ It provided for the association of Indians with the Executive Council for the first time.

        • Satyendra Prasad Sinha was the first Indian judiciary member of the Viceroy's Executive Council.

↳ The first time introduced electoral system.

↳ It introduced a system of communal representation.

        • It introduced a "separate electorate" for Muslims.

        • Lord Minto is known as the father of the communal electorate.

↳ Separate representation for mentioned below,

        • Presidency Corporations

        • Chambers of Commerce

        • Universities

        • Zamindars

Government of India Act of 1919 :

↳ Introduced responsible government in India (Increasing India's participation in every ministry).

↳ It came into force in 1921.

↳ This Act reflects the Preamble of our Constitution

↳ The first time introduced the Direct election procedure.

↳ This act is known as Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.

        • Montagu - Secretary of State for India.

        • Chelmsford - Viceroy of India.

↳ Separated Central and Provincial subjects.

        • Provincial subjects are into two parts

                • Transferred subjects - Administered by the Governor and Ministers - responsible to the Legislative Council.

                • Reserved subjects - administered by the Governor and executive council - without responsibility to the Legislative Council.

↳ It introduced a dual governance scheme called "diarchy" at the regional level.

↳ A "parliamentary" system was established for the first time in India.

↳ The first time, Introduced bicameralism (Upper house - council of states & Lower house - central legislative assembly) and Both are established in 1921.

↳ It stated that 3 of the 6 members of the Viceroy's Executive Council (other than the Commander-in-Chief) should be Indians.

↳ It initiated separate electorates mentioned below

        • Sikhs

        • Indian Christians

        • Anglo-Indians

        • Europeans

↳ The franchise is granted to individuals on the basis of property, tax, or education.

↳ An office for the High Commissioner for India was created in London.

↳ In 1926, the Central Public Service Commission was established.

↳ For the first time, the provincial budget was separated from the central budget.

↳ Appointed a statutory commission to report the condition of India under its new Constitution after ten years. Such a commission is Simon Commission (1927).

Government of India Act of 1935 :

↳ This Act came into force in 1937.

↳ It introduced direct elections in India.

↳ Introduced responsible government in the provinces.

↳ Provinces and princely states were established as units.

↳ Powers are divided between the center and the units.

        • Federal List - Centre - 59 items.

        • Provincial List - provinces - 54 items.

        • Concurrent List - Centre & provinces - 36 items.

↳ Abolished dyarchy and introduced "Provincial autonomy".

↳ Bicameralism (Upper House - Legislative Council & Lower House - Legislature Assembly) was introduced in 6 out of 11 provinces.

        • Those 6 provinces are Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Bihar, Assam, and the United Provinces.

↳ Provided separate electorates for depressed classes (scheduled castes), women, and labor.

↳ Abolished the Council of India which was established by the Government of India Act of 1858.

↳ The franchise was extended – 10% of the total population got the right to vote.

↳ Reserve Bank of India was established.

↳ Federal Public Service Commission, Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission were established.

↳ Federal Court was established in 1937.

Indian Independence Act of 1947 :

↳ It partitioned British India into two newly independent nations called India and Pakistan based on Lord Mountbatten's plan (Dickie Bird Plan).

↳ It declared India as an independent and sovereign state on August 15, 1947.

↳ It abolished the office of Viceroy.

↳ It is empowered to adopt any constitution for their respective countries and to repeal any Act of the British Parliament.

↳ It abolished the office of Secretary of State for India.

↳ The right to veto bills was removed from the British Monarch but reserved for the Governor-General.

↳ It discontinued the appointment to civil services.

↳ It discontinued the reservation of posts by the Secretary of State for India.

↳ The Governor General and Provincial Governors should exercise their functions on the advice of the Council of Ministers.

↳ Lord Mountbatten Governor General for India.

↳ Mohammad Ali Jinnah Governor General for Pakistan.

↳ Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was the first and last Governor-General of independent India.

Reference : Indian Polity by Laxmikanth

The End


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