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⇨ The measures taken by India to promote responsible antibiotics manufacturing are :
⇨ The Chennai Declaration, a consortium of doctors and healthcare institutions against AMR, was also formed in 2012 to draw up a road map.
⇨ MoHFW launched a Red Line awareness campaign on Antimicrobials Resistance, urging people not to use medicines marked with a red vertical line, including antibiotics, without a doctor’s prescription.
⇨ National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) focusing on the One Health approach was launched on 19th April 2017 with the aim of involving various stakeholder ministries/departments.
⇨ Delhi Declaration on AMR– an inter-ministerial consensus was signed by the ministers of the concerned ministries pledging their support in AMR containment.
⇨ In line with NAP-AMR, three states have launched their state action plan
⇨ Kerala has launched KARSAP
⇨ Madhya Pradesh has launched MP-SAPCAR
⇨ Delhi has launched SAPCARD
⇨ ICMR established the AMR surveillance and research network (AMRSN) in 2013, to generate evidence and capture trends and patterns of drug-resistant infections in the country. This network comprises 30 tertiary care hospitals, both private and government.
⇨ ICMR has taken initiatives to develop new drugs /medicines through international collaborations in order to strengthen medical research in AMR.
⇨ ICMR along with the Research Council of Norway (RCN) initiated a joint call for research in antimicrobial resistance in 2017.
⇨ ICMR along with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany has a joint Indo-German collaboration for research on AMR.
⇨ ICMR has initiated an antibiotic stewardship program (AMSP) on a pilot project basis in 20 tertiary care hospitals across India to control the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in hospital wards and ICUs.
⇨ On the recommendations of ICMR, DCGI has banned 40 fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) that were found inappropriate.
⇨ ICMR worked in collaboration with the Indian Council of Agriculture Research, the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries, and the DCGI to ban the use of Colistin as a growth promoter in animal feed in poultry.